If you have a child who you suspect may be struggling with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you may wonder what treatment options there are, or how to get your child diagnosed. There are currently 6.1 million children in the United States who have been diagnosed with this disorder. Obviously, not every child displays the same symptoms or has the same severity of symptoms. Fortunately, there are several different treatment options in an effort to meet the needs of those who struggle with this disorder. 


There is not one set exam that can diagnose ADHD. As previously mentioned, not every child will exhibit the same symptoms, so there need to be several different tests in order to correctly diagnose everyone. Children can be diagnosed by a pediatrician or mental health professionals, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist. Physicians may have the child take a test to see how frequently they fall into certain habits or behaviors, or a physician may only need to talk to a parent or teacher to hear how their symptoms are affecting their activities of daily living. 

Once the child has been diagnosed, there are different treatment options. The treatment that is chosen will be determined by the child's individual symptoms and needs.


While there are therapy options for the child which can help them to read social cues and respond appropriately, there are also therapy options for parents and teachers. It can be hard to know how to respond to your child with ADHD, as they will likely act in a way that comes across as more rambunctious than any other children you have. 


There are several medications that can help your child to either focus more or remain more still, especially at school. As with conditions such as anxiety or depression, figuring out exactly which medication will work best for your child may take some trial and error. 

Medical Devices

New medical devices have surfaced in recent years which can help to treat your child's ADHD. One such device is worn at night and can electrically stimulate areas of the brain where behavior and attention are monitored. 

In conclusion, one of these treatment options may be able to help your child get their ADHD symptoms under control, greatly improving their overall quality of life. With their symptoms being treated, they will likely do better in school, and you will also hopefully notice an improvement in their behavior at home. 

Reach out to a professional to discuss ADHD treatment services
